Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sitting for Critters is not Just for Dogs.

Oh no, there are dozens of beloved pets both great and small that need to be looked in on.  Cats certainly come to mind.  Just because your kitty seems like a loner does not mean he or she wants to be left alone for days.  To a cat, a clean litter box is like a clean bathroom to us, so why subject her to that?

Beyond that there are exotic birds that live for decades and should not be left to sit by themselves for days on end.  There are hamsters, guinea pigs, bearded dragons (cute as heck in their own way!), snakes, etc.  Any and all mammals and reptiles need looking after if you are gone for more than a day or two.

Enter Critter Sitters.  Sandy and her amazing staff really do care for all creatures great and small and know how important they are to your family structure.  Monty Python had a cute skit back in a day that said with tongue in cheek “you wouldn’t want to come home to a dead cat!”.  Let your pets enjoy the comforts of their home while you are gone.  Call Critter Sitters serving the far Western Suburbs of Chicagoland at (630) 844-9554.

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